Unseeing Eyes - Night Found Poem
Unseeing Eyes
The stars were but sparks of the immense conflagration that was consuming us
This conflagration to be extinguished one day
Nothing would be left in the sky
Nothing but extinct stars and unseeing eyes
We looked past
We saw danger
We felt threatened
But there were only petrified people on the other side
There was no danger
We had no right
We took everything from them
We were the judge and executioner
We judged because we thought we were better
We thought we were doing it for our people
For our leader
They had rights
They had lives to live
Stories to tell
There are no stars to see
Everything in the sky has been extinguished
We blew out the fire
We took everything for granted
We didn’t see
We didn’t see
Unseeing eyes in the sky
Great work Harper! Your poem was very deep and interesting to read. I liked that you associated the beliefs of (I'm assuming) the Nazis with "Unseeing eyes". I think that that is an reasonable representation of their beliefs and choices, because the Nazis and other Hitler supporters were blinded by Hitler's words and they couldn't see what was happening right in front of them until it was too late.