Nolan, Found Poem

Death surrounded the camp,
Silently suffocating the inmates,
Gunshots rang throughout the night,
Cries of agony heard constantly,
Slowly became normal,
in the life of an inmate,
The forced labor in the fields killed many strong men
The hot weather and wet air made work unbearable,

A new inmate entered the camp
He was nine years old.
Survival to see his family was all he wanted
Repeating the words never fall down while at work in the fields kept him alive
He escaped the camp
He eluded death.
His name was Arn Chorn-Pond
Survivor of the Cambodian Genocide


  1. I like this poem a lot it because it tells a child's story. I think about the children a lot. It is great that you gave the boy his name and referenced Cambodian Genocide.

  2. It's awful to hear that all of these terrible things were happening to these people and they saw it as normal. For the past 1-3 years of their lives that's what they were living through.

  3. I can't imagine these things that are mentioned in the poem being a normal thing for so many people during the war


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