Found Poem-Brianna

Agitation and Anguish lies in Auschwitz

Betrayed by God they say

No faith in God or humanity

Too skinny, too weak to fight

No reason to live

Starvation and death among all

Faces colorless like a corpse, just like they were soon to be

Loss of families and homes, happiness and dignity

A black hole rests in their hearts

With nothing left to lose

All that remains is hope

Hope can free them from this dread and despair

Dread and despair has created this hate

Hate spreads

Few left

They share their stories

We listen


  1. I really like your poem. The verse that caught my eye was when you wrote about how their is a black hole in their hearts, I thought Black hole was a really good choice of wording in your poem.

  2. You really showed how horrible everything was. It was good to make it less horrible by using hope as your theme. I liked your last line the best when you said they share their stories we listen, that was really good.

  3. I like this poem. It shows how important hope was for all of the people imprisoned at the camps.


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