Blog Post #5
Blog Post #5
Reflection of Experience Studying Holocaust
I didn't exactly know what the Holocaust was before this unit started. The only thing I knew about it was Adolf Hitler and nazis had some part in jews dying. Now that we have looked further in to all of this, I now know how terrible the Holocaust actually was. Around 2.7 million jews murdered during 1942. I take away from this unit three thoughts: Over many centuries, things change for the better in one place and for the worse in another. Most people are capable of the most horrible deeds to others. We have to be aware of what goes on in the world and stand against all evil acts. Much of what I read and the pictures I saw don’t seem real and so far away from now. The most real and fearful image in my mind are the chimneys pouring out flames and smoke as they burned live babies, children, and people. I agree with Mr. Wiesel “who would allow such crimes to be committed? How could the world remain silent?” (Wiesel Acceptance Speech, p 118. And, from another survivor, “The Buma smokes from a thousand chimneys, another day of suffering is born.” ( Buna Poem, line 3, line 8). It is good to learn about these things so that we can be more aware when they might happen again and that they are happening in other countries right now. Mr. Wiesel said that more people are oppressed than free. In his speech he says, “the boy is turning to me. Tell me, he asks, what have you done with my future what have you done with your life? And I tell him that I have tried.” It seems impossible to change all the wrong in all the countries. In some small way we must all try. On a happier note, protecting his son from the vile truth, Gudio tells Giosue’ that they are just on a big holiday. (Life is Beautiful) He pretends that everything happening is not really happening and it feels good.
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