Blog Post 5 - Stewart
When this unit started, I was briefly informed about the Holocaust, but I had no idea how gruesome and truly awful it was. It’s just shocking to me that something like that actually happened, and that it wasn’t that long ago. The whole concept of genocide just makes me sick. I mean it’s just horrific in so many ways that I can’t even explain. When our class went to the Holocaust Museum I was honestly moved from the images and for some reason the room full of shoes just took my breath away. I think it’s because all of it just didn’t seem real until I actually saw those shoes right in front of me. The main things that stuck out in my mind about this unit are: how easy it was for Hitler to rise to power and manage to kill millions; how terribly Jews were treated in and out of the concentration camps, and how so many people believed in the absurd idea of racial superiority.
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