Blog post #5 - Kenzie

While I was learning about the Holocaust and other devastating genocides I felt many different emotions sad, surprised, and heart broken. These devastating events also changed me in many ways, especially when they talk about the Jewish children being ripped away from their parents and not even knowing why. This hit me because if I was in this situation I wouldn’t know how to handle myself because I have grown up with my mom and dad and I wouldn’t know what to do without them. Something that I will take away from this unit is never assume everything is okay in the world because the Holocaust was one of the biggest events in world history and not very many people knew about it or they knew about it and they didn’t believe people could be so cruel. One way that I look at history different now is people in different countries don’t have the same rights that we do in the United States. If people in some countries said something that their leader didn’t like they could be killed, while people in the United States have a voice to say what they want. When we watched the video on Elie Wiesel’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech he mostly talked about how there was no point in getting revenge on the Nazi’s. When he brought up this point I definitely agreed with him because all of these horrible things had already happened and there was no going back. All the Jews and other people could do is make sure something like this never happens again. Another video about the Holocaust that hit me was Life is Beautiful. It was hard to believe that the little boy didn’t know why he was being separated from his mother, why he had to hide from everyone, or what happened to this father.  


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