Blog Post #5- Brianna

I never really knew what happened in the Holocaust before. I just knew that there were Nazis and death. As I've been studying in this unit, I have learned so much more about it. Such a tragic experience. I feel awful for those who had to go through it. The Holocaust was a terrible thing. I still don't understand why they did it. Just because they were different? Not a big enough reason for me. Separated from families. Starved, beaten, burned to death. Awful awful. I can't believe it happened. I see the world differently now. The fact that people were treated like this. And the fact that other people did it! Luckily it's not like that now. But hating someone because they're different and have a different religion and look different, that's wrong. I hope that never happens again in my lifetime, and I hope it doesn't happen at all. The Holocaust has changed my life. I will never look at people the same again. Even if they didn't do it, just the thought of knowing that some people did will be enough.


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