blog post #3-will

The theme that I choose that impacts Elies life experiences is family. The reason I chose family is because I believe having his family involved in everything just makes it so much worse of an experience but it makes it easier to survive for him because he has his father to help him with anything and he can help his father. “ don't worry son. Go to sleep. I'll watch over you.’ ‘You first father. Sleep” (Wiesel 89). I can connect to this theme because when family is their to help you everything is so much easier to me. No matter how hard the task is or what you have to do family always helps. Another reason I chose family is because Elie's family was always giving him emotional and mental support even when he doesn't know it. “But deep inside, I knew that sleep meant to die. And something in me rebelled against that death” (Wiesel 89). I can connect to this theme because the thought of a family member leaving you is unbearable so when you put yourself in a family member's shoes losing you is also hard on them so you have to stay for them and for what they would do without you.


  1. I agree with your statement. I was surprised that elie hung on to his father. Elie and his dad have a very strong connection.


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