Blog #5 - Thompson
Before we started studying the Holocaust, I thought that I would not learn much, and I might not connect to it very much because I have no connection to the Holocaust. But I could not have been more wrong. I have learned so much from this unit; it has changed how I see humanity forever. I thought that I would not get depressed when reading Night, but I was wrong. The story told in Night was so well said by a fantastic writer. Every time that I would read a chapter, I would be depressed, but I would have learned something new and interesting. Night is one of those books that makes you depressed when reading it, but you want to read more of it. The Holocaust museum was very eye-opening. I would never have thought that many things would have survived, such as the many things that they had on display. The images were gruesome but interesting. It is still hard for me to believe that there was a time in human history where people put other people into ovens, and gas chambers, and let them die. Elie's Nobel Acceptance Speech was amazing to watch. To see a survivor of such a horrible thing be able to be recognized and share their story, and to inspire others to share his story, is just amazing.
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